Friday 14 August 2020

RetroReviews: 1001965 Dublin Airport T2

This is a catch-all licence for any facilities run or owned by the DAA in T2 that serve alcohol, such as any concession stands in their duty free, some of the bars and the generic lounge. 

As far as I can tell, the way the licencing works is that each operator - DAA, SSP, Wrights etc - needs a licence for each building - T1, T2, the carpark structure, the south boarding pier - that they use. This means that there are quite a few licences in the airport. They aren't pub licences as such, as you can get new ones generated without cancelling and old one; and I'm never quite sure whether to count them or not - but the old arrivals bar in T1 was certainly considered to be a "proper pub" by many; but a fridge with a few bottles in what is basically a huge portakabin is about as low as it gets

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