As we enter the tenth calendar year of doing this - I started keeping my spreadsheet and posting writeups in July 2016; although I'd been deliberately trying new pubs out for a while before that - I'm beginning to run out of places to visit.
I've previously written about this, and reduced the frequency of posting, and the end of my writeups of pre-2016 pubs soon will probably lead to a further cut in frequency, although a scavenger hunt of missing writeups has bought a few weeks worth of content.
During those ten years, a number of premises have remained licenced the entire time, but never opened their doors for trade at any point; with a few more where I could have purchased alcohol but would be very unlikely to be allowed consume it on the premises.
There's some mythology that a pub has to be open one day a year to keep its licence, and indeed I've had this repeated to me *by a licence holder* in recent years. This is not correct and I'm not quite sure where it came from. These pubs have held their licence, for far longer than the 5 year lapse period that was introduced in the early 60s; and could in theory reopen - if their fire certs were valid, and in one case, the building even really existed!
I'm going to record those here, with a bit of explanation where possible. Some of these are going to be getting vaguely in to hypothesis, as the future intent for the licences is very unclear.
N0229 Dolly Heffernans, Blanchardstown
Will it be a hotel? Will it be a nursing home? Neither of these proposals has actually progressed, with the hotel plans having first surfaced in 2006. This once rural pub now sits incongruously opposite a large car dealer and within a growing industrial estate.
N1223 Laurence Lounge, Ballyfermot
An early 2000s rebuild, with retail and apartments above, on the site of an older pub; this pub has been shut for the entire period of my interest with no obvious happenings at all
N0202 Millennium, Benburb Street
Planning permission has been refused to replace this pub with suites for the almost adjacent Aisling Hotel
N0877 Phoenix Park Racecourse
This licence appears to be registered to no premises whatsoever, seeing as the remaining pavilion of the Racecourse was demolished a very long time ago. Still held by the developers, my assumption is that is it being kept valid for transfer to a future pub on the development site; although to what building it is assigned currently is a mystery.
Even after the racecourse had closed, "The END" nightclub in the pavilion continued to operate, but I believe it had closed significantly before the beginning of redevelopment in 2004.
N1097 Conways, Parnell Street
Rotting away, Conways closed in slightly murky circumstances including claims it had "lost its licence", but the licence remains; and the pub will apparently be renovated and reopen if the Dublin Central development ever finishes.
N2152 Barcode, Clontarf
A nightclub that targetted younger (legal age) drinkers, and did the "drink while playing sports" thing that is becoming the theme of 2025, twenty years before. But it remained somewhere I never visited.
Planning troubles contributed to the clubs closure in 2010; and nothing has been heard since - but the licence remains.
S0218 Houricans, Leeson Street
This closed very close to the time that I started the blog, and has remained licenced. At the time of writing this, it is
finally up for sale.
S3504 TramCo, Rathmines
There are plans afoot to renovate and rebuild the hotel here and reopen, but this
sometimes controversial nightclub still sits empty. Proposals will reduce the space from vast to just a normal hotel bar
Special Category I - off-licences using pub licences
S1349 Spar, Baggot Street - the former Henry Grattan pub, the signage of which appeared during renovation works.
N0104 Parnell Street Off-Licence - formerly Forum and a variety of other names, this has traded solely as an off-licence for almost 20 years.
Special Category II - Out of action throughout this decade, but visited by me prior
N2030 The Good Bits, Store Street - written up as a NecroReview in January, The Good Bits closed in about 2011; but remains on the licence register to this day
S0398 Dunnes Stores, Blackrock - I visited this when it was a TGI Fridays, but it was closed for an incredibly long time and reopened as a supermarket.