Friday 7 June 2024

RetroReview: S0107 Lundy Foots

I haven't been here since this was the Czech Inn; a former name and indeed very different incarnation of the pub as a mix of a theme pub and a social centre for the Czech community in Ireland.

The pub was renamed - after an 18th Century tobacconist - in 2018; and while there was an indication at the time that part of the pub was going to remain much the same, it doesn't appear to have done so.

There is still a Czech pub in Dublin, S1472 Pilsner Pub, formerly and still sometimes called Pifko; which is in a less in-demand location for tourist pubs and I suspect is less likely to get changed over.

My only visit here was an enjoyable afternoon of knocking back Czech beers before going to Kilmainham to see New Order play; quite some time ago at this stage.

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