Thursday 27 June 2024

International "Irish" pubs of Dublin

There's already been writing about the looming (we know of more threatened ones than currently open ones - Temple Bar aside) threat of "Irish Bars" of abroad invading Dublin; so I'm not going to rehash that. Instead, I'm going to do the thing that makes up 90% of the traffic here - a borderline listicle!

There is a growing trend of what can only really be described as Irish bar chains "from" outside Ireland purchasing pubs in Dublin and converting them to their format. The added implausibility quotes around "from" is important, because some of these chains started in Ireland or even started *in Dublin* in the first place, but are better known for their properties abroad, or primarily do business abroad.

McGettigan Group

The McGettigan Group's first premises was N0214 McGettigans on Queen Street; so are they a Dublin chain?

Well, I decide what goes here, so no - they are a Middle East via Donegal group in my eyes. And their format is quite unoffensive, from the two (Dublin and Bray) that I've been to.

Over time, the group structure has changed and there is now the McGettigans bar brand and the McGettigan Hotels group; with the bar brand now available as a franchise.

There are 12 McGettigan's Irish Bars in the Middle East, one in London and a number around Ireland including one in Dublin - which is not the Queen Street branch. It still exists, they still own it, but it doesn't match the branding.

The one in Dublin is sited inside of their hotels - 10010900 Bonnington Hotel in Whitehall; with their other Dublin hotels, The Address Citywest and The Address Connolly - the former 1002557 North Star Hotel not having the branded bars.

McCafferty Group

Another Middle East via Donegal setup, McCaffertys started in Donegal and now have a handful of bars in Donegal, another handful in the Middle East, some in the UK and some in Spain. And one in Dublin - S0202 The Barge. Their website does not list all their current pubs at this moment, with The Barge and at least one in Donegal being missing.

The interiors of the McCafferty's pubs, with their "Sonny McSwines Bar" branding, is twee but not offensively so - there's been a lot of greebling purchased from the pub interiors companies, with things like old phone boxes as part of the interior design and shelfs of nicknacks.

"Biddy Mulligans"

This one is barely a chain, but its probably the most egregious.

Damien Smyth, a controversial London based publican and his UK based The Irish Coffee Company Limited, have purchased N1099 Sackville Lounge and rebranded it as Biddy Mulligans (albeit it has yet to open right now); with the Biddy Mulligans website strongly suggesting this this is to be a new brand exercise for pubs and drinks.

Ma Nolans

This one is at the rumour stage, but apparently this French chain of Irish Bars - which look, well, acceptable from their website - are going to purchase the Bachelor Inn, which has not traded since March 2020.

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