Saturday 15 June 2024

1018663 Lennans Yard

This place - The Lennan pub section - was very busy inside, but offered me a seat at the bar - a seat which had to be magicked up from somewhere; as they do not leave seats there normally. I can understand why, to an extent - you may not want to encourage bar drinking, but be perfectly OK with taking the sales from on it.

On leaving, I noticed that the vast outdoor area - the Yard bit of the name, one assumes - was almost completely empty. That may have been slightly less tight than sitting at the bar with a number of shopping bags. Oh well.

This is a restaurant primarily, and while you can definitely go in for a drink, you may still want to arrange a seat; or ask to go outside. Tap list isn't great, but do have Open Gate Citra which is fine for my tastes.

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