Tuesday 6 November 2018

1013579 Luckys

This is a recent reopening of a relatively long-term closed pub and is one of a number of slightly similar premises demonstrating the creeping gentrification of The Liberties.

A mostly craft beer bar with pizza available - this could also describe 1011790 The Fourth Corner for instance, there is also more than a passing resemblance to S1449 The Jug on the roughly parallel Francis Street, including being relatively long and narrow. However, it doesn't have the seating layout issues of The Jug.

What differentiates these pubs is the atmosphere, that provided by the staffing and other customers - as the music choices are often somewhat similar and few have TVs. The atmosphere here is pretty good, although the slight drizzle outside and Kinnegar Rustbucket on tap may have encouraged me to stay long enough to experience a bit more of it than some smash-and-grab visits for stats let me to

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