Saturday 10 August 2024

S2821 Kingswood Lodge

This is a suburban pub with a carpark that has survived the biggest threat to suburban pubs with a carpark - redevelopment.

It has not survived being redeveloped - far from it. Instead, it now exists on the ground floor of an apartment block. Something so incredibly normal across the world, but something that is exceptionally rare in Ireland, outside of city sites.

What exists in the new premises is probably - I was never in the old Clocktower, so I'm guessing here - quite different to the old pub; in that its mostly a single big room with no bar/lounge separation. 

Beyond the building, nothing massively stands out here for me - its a very normal big suburban pub. Plenty of people have these pubs as their locals, and they are a critical part of the pub culture of Dublin  - I doubt I'll ever be back here, as I have no reason to; but there's no reason I'd not come back if I was nearby.

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