Thursday 4 April 2019

N0165 The Tophouse / McNeills

In standard opinion Howth and Expensive go hand in hand, and the prices of the houses on the walk down from the previous pub definitely slotted in with that. However, a pint for €3.80 isn't dear by any means - and that is on offer in McNeills.

This is a big enough premises, with a bar, lounge, food options and some guestrooms. I think there was a fire burning in the bar, even though it was a rather warm day outside; and the bar is fairly cosy and traditional. In addition to my cheap pint (of Beamish - still using its price point as a selling point), they also had Hope on tap so a further pint was had while I read a few more of the studies in More Than Concrete Blocks Volume II - a Dublin architectural book series which has yet to feature a pub, but still covers other interests of mine!

This was the quietest pub of the lot in Howth, presumably due to being relatively far from the seafront and slightly more hidden away than the others - so if you're out there and looking for a few pints or food it could be the best option for that reason.

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