Monday 28 January 2019

N0072 The Chancery Inn

Known more for its interesting coloured glass block windows - and the collection of customers smoking outside from the early morning - than for anything else, this is one of Dublin's remaining early houses. It has been put up for sale for the second time in a few years but is still fully trading at the moment.

I dislike having to push past smokers to get to the door of a pub and have occasionally skipped one where there was another option nearby, dropping in again at another time. That has been the case here basically every time I've gone past - which has been quite a few - but there was nobody outside for the first time ever, so in I went.

The pub is a reasonably large single room layout, with probably 1980s furnishings. There's a very limited drinks range, with Dublin Blue Lager the only non-mainstream option - I don't know if its is an actual craft product or a rebadge of something else.

There's nothing much to recommend about the pub. The clientele gives little to talk about and the most notable feature is that the cubicle in the gents has a code lock to ensure only customers can use it.

As has happened before, my seat was swiped while I was in the toilets. But I didn't really want to sit down for another pint anyway.

1 comment:

  1. It's an actual craft product, brewed at Dundalk Bay Brewery at the moment. Their own brewery is due to open on King's Inns Street later this year.
