Friday 17 May 2024

RetroReviews: S0119 Against the Grain

There couldn't really be a worse time to do a writeup for a pub first visited a few months before the blog (January 2016), and visited many times since - having just recently been sold from the Galway Bay Brewing chain and rebranded as "Teach Tábhairne" (yes, they've called a pub Pub, basically); it is unlikely to be anything like it was before.

Like a lot of the GBB pubs, this premises had more names than you should care to remember in the ~10 years or so before GBB took it over - they were a stabilising force in the pre private equity ownership days; and it ran as their Dublin flagship for many years. S0083 Beer Temple now realistically holds that role, being a bigger and more central premises.

The similar elements of the non-hotel GBB bars were all here - the bockety furniture, the stickers, no TVs except maybe during free-to-air games; and a huge difference from every other pub on 'the strip', as I've seen some people hideously attempt to call the Georges-Aungier-Redmonds Hill-Wexford-Aungier Street alignment.

It's immediately clear that it won't be like this now - one of the first social media posts from the new operators was listing multiple GAA and rugby matches that they would be showing over the weekend.

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