Wednesday 15 May 2024

RetroReviews: 1017068 Rascals Brewery

Back during the horrors of 2020/1, I padded out the months between getting any new ticks - or indeed any pints that weren't drunk outside of the one pub in my suburb still serving takeout - by writing up reviews of pubs I had visited before starting this massive consumer of time "journey" in August 2016.

I got, on the licence register of the day, through all the numeric licences, all the N licences and the start of the S licences before pubs reopened. But I really need to finish the S licences; and catch anything that was missed from that page or otherwise snuck under the radar. So here starts an occasional revisit to the RetroReviews series.

And this premises is one that snuck under - I had first visited it (and had pints there) when it held a Special Restaurant Licence, so when it appeared with a Publicans (Ordinary) licence, I just ticked it off - and it doesn't appear on the pre-2016 list, as that first visit was in 2019. 

But it appeared on last months Revisited list, with no post to link to - so it's time to rectify that. I'm going to do posts for any pub that appears on Revisited; as a start towards finishing the list and actually having a post for everywhere I visited.

Anyway - on to the pub. This is the only 'traditional' tap room in Dublin, being a large industrial space in front of Rascal's actual brewery, and with a few of some elements of the brewery. Tours are offered; but you can come in here for beer, for pizza or to get takeout, or any combo of those - the wonders of having a Publicans licence. The music is generally curated to a high standard - Rascals marketing manager being an long term radio professional.

The beer's good - although the tap list can vary significantly depending on what guest and specials are tapped at any given time - and the pizza's good too. I would recommend a booking unless coming here on a weeknight - I have been here on some very busy nights, but also on some much quieter ones during the week.

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