Monday 13 May 2024

DG0485 The Milestone

While nowhere close to the Irish Pub Company 'standards' of the 90s, this is almost what you might get if you ordered "small town Irish pub" from a catalogue. Dark wood, dark patterned fabrics, glass, uncomfortable chairs and a general feeling that there's a food service time and a drinking time to the operating hours.

I arrived to drink during food-time; and initially sat at a table that, after a quick visit to use the facilities, had a table with young children beside it. I moved to another area and found that I was, again, beside kids - somewhat older this time though. At least I was only staying for one.

This pub is owned by the same group as the pub directly across the road (and the previously visited Balscadden Inn); both of which feature a 1923 construction date prominently on the facade. Without doing any proper research in to this, I'm going to guess they are both replacement buildings from after the Sack of Balbriggan in 1920.

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