Saturday, 22 February 2025

S4467 Croughs

This pub is in an area of Tallaght that seems to be a bit difficult to define - Google tells me it's in Jobstown, except sometimes it says Whitestown. The adjacent shopping centre is named after Fortunestown, but has the Springfield post office in it. The Credit Union nearby just calls itself Tallaght West.

I believe, from reading newspaper reports and also a Valuation Tribunal report, that the opening of the pub was possibly just as difficult, with a many year planning battle, going from the early 90s to when the pub actually opened.

A fairly standard, quite large suburban pub; the potential catchment area here is quite large but, as pointed out, in the Valuation Tribunal report, there is local competition from sports club bars. Possibly as a result of this, the pub was not incredibly busy when I visited.

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