Saturday 11 May 2024

(no number yet) The Morris

Yet another tick that doesn't register, initially - The Morris opened in December but is yet to grace a published licence register. I could probably just ask them for their licence number, considering I've had a conversation going with whoever does their Instagram for a while now.

Not to blag - I don't lower myself to that - but to find out when they are open; as the pub has fairly limited, fairly late opening hours; and I had attempted to go in on a Saturday afternoon before when it was not yet open.

These later hours don't seem to be affecting trade, though; as I arrived within 30mins of opening and the place was rammed. Not rammed beyond being able to get a seat; but that would come shortly after.

The shopfront here - preserved in part from the Morris Wallpaper Stores that gives the pub its name - has a central door, but you actual enter through a smaller door to the left. This does not make someone approaching the place after a few pints and trying the main door look the most competent, and may help the door staff in decisions; but I was let in regardless.

There's a mix of craft and macro taps here; and pizza on offer - I suspect from an external source, but I didn't dig in to it. An interesting new addition to the range of pubs on Talbot Street and quite different from the rest of them.

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