
Monday 27 January 2020

N1102 The Celt

I've previously mentioned I don't like going in to pubs where the door is blocked by people - be they bouncers, smokers or whatever. Its a very odd thing with no obvious explanation but I just don't like it and have occasionally pounced on a pub when it was randomly un-blocked.

The Celt was always blocked, with a woman holding food menus, every time I went past. And I always assumed it was going to be entirely full of tourists and/or blasting out awful cod-trad and/or a bit Republican based on some of the little bits of decor visible from outside.

But the menu-foister was briefly off the door when I was passing, so in I jumped. And it wasn't full of tourists, or blasting cod-trad, or anything else bad really. It is a hotel bar; so don't expect much - but there's some interesting beers on tap (I had a Larkins) and plenty of seating.

In something slightly odd, the receipts here were printed with the name of the hotels highly rated Le Bon Crubeen restaurant - which might make me more willing to try the food in case they also share the kitchen!

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