
Sunday 26 January 2020

1015968 Moxy Hotel

In recent years, old office buildings - that have become redundant for reasons such as having too low a floor height for modern suspended floors and ceilings - are increasingly being converted to hotels. Stripped back to the concrete shell it allows the insertion of rooms (sometimes even partially prefabricated) while saving the cost and CO2 emissions required in recreating all that concrete.

The former Eircom offices on O'Connell Street became 1012141 Holiday Inn Express, former ESB offices on Fleet Street became 1012867 Temple Bar Inn, and this hideously ugly former Dublin Corporation offices and retail development has now become The Moxy - albeit with some extra floors thrown on the top too. 

Nearly the entire ground floor here is an open plan bar/cafe/restaurant and cocktails are the main offering - there are only four beer taps as far as I could see.

There's nothing wrong with it, but with The Sackville and N1084 Pipers Corner across the road one way and Briodys down the road the other... there's no reason for non-residents to come in here.

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