
Monday 29 January 2024

S2784 Lough Inn

On walking in the door of this large pub, I was met with a choice - do I turn right in to the lively, bordering on raucous bar; or do I walk straight ahead in to the quiet lounge.

I chickened out and walked straight ahead. I strongly suspect the bar would have been more interesting, and indeed my pints came from there, the barman skipping the tap in the lounge for one that was probably moving more quickly.

On the wall beside the bar counter, the pub proudly displays some certificates issued by the - now defunct, I presume - Guinness pub training programmes. I want to do a writeup on these, but I suspect there's not a lot of info available; but basically Guinness Group, pre-Diageo, ran training courses for publicans, bar managers and bar staff with certification issued. These are very rarely seen now, N0240 Hole in the Wall being the only other place I've seen one.

The relative silence of the lounge made it easy, if not inevitable, to overhear a conversation going on; in which someone expressed their dislike for a notable regular Dublin pub music scene figure's singing style in a manner which was hilarious but also unrepeatable. Not everyone beloved is beloved by all.

The relative inaccessibility of this pub - Google Maps sent me here through housing estate laneways, and there aren't a huge amount of buses from the stop right outside - 'forced' me to have two pints here, as a nearly 30 minute wait was on the cards after just missing the bus I needed. What a terrible imposition to have put upon me!

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