
Wednesday 14 June 2023

S0283 The Coliemore

Semi-recently renamed from The Magpie, The Coliemore was absolutely rammed and I had significant difficulty even finding a perch at a corner of the bar. Major differences in how busy pubs are becomes a bit of a thing on this trip.

The Magpie era of this pubs name survived in to the Substantial Meal era of pandemic reopenings, and there were plenty of substantial meals being eaten, just without any requirement to do so to get a pint. The premises had been for sale in 2019, and I'm assuming had actually changed hands at some point prior to its rebranding as The Coliemore in 2021.

I'm not (currently) a huge fan of sitting at the bar - give me another decade or two and I'll probably be propping them up - but the pub seems decent enough. And based on the comparatively busy-ness of the other Dalkey pubs, they are clearly doing something right with the food offering.

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