
Tuesday 13 June 2023

S0282 The Club

Another quite old pub to follow Finnegans, this one had another minor throwback (to 2021, not 1901) - it was still table service, despite being very much a pub inside. 

I don't know if this is a regular thing - the pub wasn't incredibly busy that might make table management required - but it did mean I was assigned a fairly crap table, albeit one with a very good view of the huge mosaic floor in the main bar area. 

I probably would have had a second pint, had the floor service come around ever so slightly earlier and before I'd decided to go to another bar; or had I been able to walk up to order. When paying I noticed a second set of taps that appeared, possibly, more interesting than the first one - another thing I didn't get to see due to table service.

Table service as an option is extremely handy - I rarely go to the bar after my first round in my local, for instance - but I think it's time to move back away from it as compulsory in pubs now. Indeed nearly everyone has already.

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