
Friday 2 September 2022

S0168 The Yacht

An oddly shaped pub (it looks quite small from the street, and while it isn't *big*, there is an area to the side that is behind another shop), this reminded me of some other seaside pubs in scale - The Glen Hotel's bar back on Arranmore (just this is in much better condition than that is), or the bar area of DG0500 Joe Mays for instance.

When knocking together the framework of these posts, I managed to just create the actual post entry for this pub - and not put any details in it. So my memory is now a little faded by time, so I may have imagined that there was a mini-library in the bar - a bookshelf of locally relevant books - but that'd be a rather odd thing to imagine.

A nice small pub, all told, and another case of why I should have crossed the river from my old job more often.

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