
Friday 16 August 2024

S2287 Red Cow Inn

Want to drink in a hotel lobby but not a hotel?

Well, you're in luck here. The hotel (S3276 Red Cow Hotel) might actually be closed currently, but this pub in its carpark, with the same owners, is definitely open; and definitely feels like you're still in the hotel lobby. 

Some of this is because this functions as part of the hotel normally - a second eating area, the entrance or side rooms to some function rooms and as part of one of the last remaining hotel nightclub complexes anywhere in Dublin - currently branded as Buzz.

But with the carvery, the hotel signage, the huge windows and the rather odd mix of customers; the main bar area of the Red Cow Inn cannot escape feeling like it is a hotel. And there's rarely a reason to drink in a hotel lobby, unfortunately.

There aren't many pubs nearby, but there's also not many *people* nearby - those currently living in the hotel and the tiny amount who live amongst the industrial units in Ballymount are the only real population bases that aren't closer to another pub. I'm not sure who the crowd here are, but it was still pretty busy.

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