
Saturday 22 June 2024

N0169 The Elphin

One of the pubs built for Dublin's incessant suburban expansion of the 1940s - it appears to have been first licenced in 1950 - The Elphin doesn't have another pub particularly close to it - even my previous writeup is a (small) hotel bar, not a pub; but when much of your potential coverage area is sea, you don't always get much competition. 

The bulk of the tables here were set up for food service, and there was a party on in the lounge area; but there's a nice semi-enclosed area outside which was welcome on a sunny day. This has TVs, encased in weather shields, but they were not on at the time. I was beginning to run extremely low on battery, so should maybe have poked around inside for a table with a socket near it; but the weather wasn't worth giving up at this stage of the day.

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