
Saturday 4 May 2024

N1312 O'Riordans / Drogheda Lodge / Full Shilling

A pub with three names. Or only one name; going on its external signage.

The street frontage of this pub says O'Riordans, a name I didn't have recorded and had to rapidly resort to google to verify that I was in the right place; but once inside the fixtures and fittings had Drogheda Lodge on them. Going back on Streetview shows that in 2014, the frontage said Drogheda Lodge but with O'Riordans visible on the lower section; by 2017 it was just O'Riordans - so this isn't a recent change. 

The Full Shilling name is emblazoned on the *back* of the pub, but to an area only accessible via one of two laneways. The entrance to one of these laneways used to be branded for it (and even further back used to feature a pub clock, the remains of which are in this image), but no longer is and indeed I believe was locked up when I visited.

Despite this, the Full Shilling name is still used for part of the premises, with it being the only name still active on social media, advertising their nightclub.

The main bar section of the three-named pub also has TVs with two purposes - there were specific TVs with "RACING TV" or "FOOTBALL TV" on placards beneath them, presumably pre-empting arguments that have happened before and would again without them.

It also has USB chargers everywhere, which proved quite handy after the bunker-like construction of the last two pubs - and this one - hammering my phone battery to a ridiculous extent.

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