
Wednesday 22 May 2024

DG0482 The Central / Mrs O's

"Vape / electronic cigarette devices are banned from the 1st of April" stated the signs in here, in the very dying days of March. I didn't see anyone actually vaping inside to celebrate their final days of being allowed to; though - possibly this was far less of a problem than the number of signs would indicate.

Since my visit here, a pub has (re)opened in Balbriggan with an even more prescriptive set of rules - banning the wearing of hats and coats indoors and strongly suggesting you need a collared shirt and shoes; something that reminds me of nightclubs when I was a teenager. Maybe Balbriggan just likes rules. I'm much more in favour of banning vapes inside than banning runners though, considering I do need to actually get in to pubs myself.

Rules aside, this was a decent local pub with nothing terribly memorable about it - as explained many times before, this is actually good in nearly every case - if I remember something particularly special it's usually bad!

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