
Monday 22 January 2024

N0153 Martins

Martins isn't the easiest pub to confirm the opening status of - a Facebook dead since 2012, and no other online presence. However, Google had a busy-ness indicator - itself not always accurate as I've seen it tell me a pub that was physically closed at the time was "busier than usual" - and recent reviews; so I could assume it was open

Plus I'd walked past it 45 minutes earlier and actually seen that it was open. That's usually good enough.

A slightly older pub inside than The Willows, but also a lot busier. There was a short queue to get served here, and drop to table - but I'd ordered a single pour drink this time, so there's no real reason to have that.

This is the first pub I've ever seen people openly vaping inside, albeit I've seen very many a surreptitious puff. It wasn't flavoured/scented and wasn't near me, so not something I was bothered about.

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