
Tuesday 21 January 2020

S0064 The Auld Dubliner

As you may have noticed from my previous post, I decided to do the touristy pubs of Temple Bar. I had to do them eventually, so a damp Sunday in January seemed like a decent time to do it. Limited tourists, "Dry January" and people being broke and so on.

It still didn't make the Auld Dubliner quiet enough to get a seat, however. A perch underneath a framed jigsaw of the pub - which I couldn't get a clear photo of unfortunately - supplied me with somewhere to park myself anyway. The name here is at least a little apt, as there actually were some auld locals here; and there's more of the normal pub bits and pieces (old photos, sports team sponsorships etc) than you'd expect in this area.

I still wouldn't go back. Its better than the Oliver St John Gogarty but that doesn't say much. Over the next few posts, I'm going to have a running 'award' for the Least Worst Pub in Temple Bar. This holds it, but for how long?

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