
Friday 3 January 2020

N2431 Jurys Inn Parnell Street

I was stuck in the city centre for a number of hours on the final Saturday before Christmas - without the car, thankfully - and saw queues for food even in fast food outlets near the main shopping areas.

Not really wanting to queue to then probably have to stand while eating, or wait for a significant period in any of the casual sit-down places I was seriously considering getting a bus out to somewhere quieter when I remembered the glut of hotels near Parnell Square. I've been to most of them, and many have relatively quiet bars - but I hadn't been to Jurys.

And it probably has the quietest bar of the lot, being on the second floor and not massively promoted from outside, although they do willingly let non-guests in. As probably the only non-guest there, I was able to get a comfortable table and read my way through the paper as well as get a fairly good lunch.

I would warn that they certainly know how to charge here - a pint, soup and a fancy sandwich came to over 30 quid - but if you need somewhere to escape its probably the poshest/nicest of options.I forget to get any pics of anything other than the bucket-of-condiments (Tabasco sauce *and* vinegar that's probably actually allowed be called vinegar - they really are spoiling us), but it is quite plush

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