
Wednesday 8 May 2019

S4097 Johnny Rush's

This is a faux-traditional pub in the shell of what was a boomtime, southside bar with all the accompanying fixtures and fittings.

The name was just Rush then, maybe appropriate for Dublin in the last boom. And the 'renovation' was certainly a rush job - the toilets still date from then it seems; both in style and in equipment - everything worn, little working fully. There is a comical coaxial cable join feeding one of the TVs, done in a manner that shows it was done by someone who knew how to make it work but didn't care enough to run out to Decwells and spend a few quid on some proper connectors.

Totally Dublin reviewed it, in 2015, and had much the same experience to me. My personal highlight was seeing they have the same 1990s seaside print on the wall as my parents have above their fireplace - which doesn't really set the tone for somewhere I intend to drink!

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