
Tuesday 25 July 2017

County Boundaries (Updated)

An Amazon delivery today left me with a copy of The Dublin Pubspotter's Guide from 2012, which has details of "over 900" pubs in County Dublin.

I'm happy to see someone who agrees with me on the number of pubs in Dublin (the LVA insists its under 750, presumably as not everyone is a member; and other people assume every pub uses a 7 day Publican licence; and is on the Revenue list in the given month they check and claim there's about 650). I'm slightly less happy to find a sticker on the back saying the author sells copies for a tenner as I bought it second hand (so he got nothing) for more!

Anyway, this book alerted me to Mhp0136 The Fox Inn in Ballymadun as a pub in Dublin. The odd licence number is because Revenue treat it as being in Meath due to an Ashbourne address - however, it certainly isn't. It has been added to the map.

There are - at least - four other premises in this situation of not appearing, or at least not always appearing, under their Dublin addresses. Another one only became apparent to me when verifying this. They are all in the outskirts of Leixlip, which itself is in Kildare.

1011787 The Salmon Leap is staring at Kildare out its front door - as the name suggests, it is adjacent to the Liffey which consists of the county boundary here. I haven't been here yet.

N1218 The Springfield Hotel is a bit further down the road. I've been here a few times... but never partaken in more than a cup of tea in a function room, which I don't consider as counting.

N1958 Becketts Hotel is also nearby, and I have validly been here. It was also off the register for a while, but as it now has an inaccurate Kildare address I missed it returning - this has been corrected on the map

Finally, 1008359 Weston Airport often has issues relating to planning due to its boundary-straddling. While the old entrance was in Kildare, the terminal building that contains the bar and the new entrance are entirely in Dublin. I've also had some enjoyable lunches here, so this is an addition to the list I don't resent for reducing my completion stats!

These additions more than cancel out the extinguishing of the licence at the Edenmore House that I became aware of during the week and maintain us at over 1000 licences active in the past 12 months. However, as Browns Barn will be extinguished imminently, we're going to hit 1000 exactly again.

Update August 2018:

The Blue Gardenia in Brittas has now reopened after a lengthy closure. As it was closed for so long I assumed it was on a Dublin-coded licence and had been delisted; however I decided to actually check the national register, and sure enough it is there as Arp0667 with an inaccurate Wicklow postal address - and has actually been on the register solidly since 2011, the oldest one I have. Map and target list have been updated.

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